First military situation

We try to make the placement and handling of a military symbol as simple as possible in .


Follow these steps to place a military unit symbol on to the military map overlay:

Select Active Layer

A project within can have multiple military map overlays (drawing layers). At any time, it is only possible to draw on one layers. The layer active for drawing is referred as the ‘active Layer’. To set a layer as active:

  1. Click on ‘Map Overlay’
    Button to open the MilX Layer Menu (Menu of Military Map Overlays)

  2. Set ‘Active Layer’

    The layer is set as active if the pen icon is visible next to the layer name.

Place first Symbol on Active Layer

If an ‘Active Layer’ is set the ‘Add new MSS Symbol’ in the top right corner of the main window should be active. To place the first military symbol onto the map:

  1. Press on ‘Add new MSS Symbol’
    Button to add new Military Symbol (MSS Symbol)

  2. Set ‘Active Layer’
    Search military symbol in MSS Symbol Gallery

  3. Select the ‘Base Symbol’ and move the mouse cursor onto the map (this step is not required for touch devices).
    Select military symbol in MSS Symbol Gallery

  4. Place the selected symbol with a click onto the map
    Place military symbol on active map overlay

Add Symbol Modifier and Attributes

The MSS Symbol Editor provides a visual editor to add the symbol modifiers and attribute to the ‘Base Symbol’ place onto the map:

  1. Select the ‘Base Symbol’ placed onto the map
    Select military symbol

  2. ‘MSS Symbol Editor’ button is now active and can be pressed to add or edit the symbol modifiers and attributes.
    Military Symbology Editor in []

  3. Press ‘Apply’ or ‘Discard’ in the footer of the MSS Symbol Editor to exit the edit mode of the symbol modifier and attributes.
    End edit of military symbol modifiers and attributes in MSS Symbol Editor